Love it!

World Vision Canada
I support World Vision for so many reasons.  They are accountable for the funding they receive, they offer support in a responsible manner, and they are an established charity that I truly believe in and support.  If you're looking for a charity to support, these guys have a giant thumbs up from me!

This Canadian company not only helped develop a certification system for fair trade cocoa, but was the first registered company to import certified fair trade sugar and cocoa into North America.  The chocolate industry is a nasty dragon and my family chooses not to participate in buying slave made goods - chocolate included.  Camino offers goodies that make my kids feel more "normal" like Easter bunnies and little snack bars, and they are so good!

If you want more information on the chocolate industry, there is a BBC miniseries you can watch to get the basics.  It's called, Chocolate The Bitter Truth.  I've added part 1 below, but if it intrigues you - please watch all 5 parts and if you'd like we can chat about how to make a change.

I have a family of bookworms, and although we mostly borrow from the library there are a few occasions where we purchase books.  When we do, we get them from Better World Books.  Their shipping is fast, the books have always been exactly as described AND the selection is almost never-ending.  Here's an excerpt from their website: Better World Books uses the power of business to change the world. We collect and sell books online to donate books and fund literacy initiatives worldwide. With more than 8 million new and used titles in stock, we’re a self-sustaining, triple-bottom-line company that creates social, economic and environmental value for all our stakeholders.   

Bushel & A Peck
If you think I'm nuts, you should meet my sisters!  My youngest sister, Amy-Lyn writes a blog with far more sweet and meat than I do. So... if you love eating animals and animal by-products you should stop by her blog.  She also writes a piece on Autism every Thursday and has home advice (decor, organization, party throwing, etc).   She's definitely in The Good Kind of Crazy club.

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